RNA-seq Data Analysis with edgeR
Perform differential gene expression analysis of RNA-seq data using EdgeR
Perform differential gene expression analysis of RNA-seq data using EdgeR
Perform differential gene expression analysis of RNA-seq data using DESeq2
Generate a gene counts matrix when featureCounts run separately on individual aligned files
SAMtools for manipulation of BAM files
NCBI E-utilities for downloading the single or large number of sequences from the NCBI sequence database
VCF fields information
bulk and single-cell RNA-seq expression units, count normalization, formula, examples in Python, gene quantification, batch effects, and between-sample and w...
bedtools for comparative analysis of genomic datasets
Downloading FASTQ files from NCBI SRA database
How to reduce and visualize high-dimensional data using UMAP in Python
t-SNE using sklearn package. This article explains the basics of t-SNE, differences between t-SNE and PCA, example using scRNA-seq data, and results interpre...
This article how to perform and visualize the K-means Clustering in Python